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President’s message December-2014


I am extremely happy to make my first communique to the medical fraternity of Gujarat after being elected as President of Indian Medical Association, Gujarat State Branch. As a humble soldier of our community I, certainly feel honoured of being a President of a very credible and outstanding organization which has rendered valuable services to the people of Gujarat.
I am a humble grass root worker of IMA, serving this beloved Association for more than two decades. Your heart warming and unflinching support has put me on the chair of President, IMA Gujarat State. I do not know whether 26 December 2014, will go in the history as a red letter day or not, but I am sure that the history of Indian Medical Association, Gujarat State will remember this day as an evidence of our mutual love & brotherhood. I am over whelmed by feeling of joy and gratitude as all of you have elected me unanimously for the President of IMA Gujarat State for year 2014-2015.

I am thankful to my home branch, Vadodara for nominating my candidature. I cannot forget the whole hearted support and constant encouragement given by my IMA Vadodara Branch. I am proud of my branch. This year, President and all six Vice Presidents of IMA Gujarat State were elected unanimously. This gives a strong

message that during this turbulent time of medical fraternity, we are all united. At IMA HQ also the Presidents and Vice Presidents are elected uncontested. For the year 2014-2015, Dr. Mansukh Kanani and for the year 2015-2016, Dr. Shailendra Vora are elected as National Vice President of IMA HQ. I congratulate both of them. We must congratulate our own a doyen of Indian Medical Fraternity for being unanimously elected as President of World Medical Association. It is a big achievement as an Indian we should be proud of him and
especially when he belongs to Gujarat.
I know it well that I can not carry forward the challenging tasks my predecessors have taken up, without the candid support of my fellow members of this August institution. All new Presidents come with new ideas and thoughts and are successful to implement so as to bring Gujarat State Branch of IMA as one of the leading branches of India.

I have prioritized few of the activities which we should carry out during the year which include the Agendas given by our National President. Dr. Ketanbhai Desai,
Dr. Jitendrabhai

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Number of Entries : 340
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