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IMA National President Dr. Ravi Wankhedkar visiting at Surat

IMA, Surat Branch has organised five programmes from 3.00 pm to late 11.00 pm.
(1) Meeting with Dean & Superintendent as well as faculties of GMC, Surat & addressed  medical  students  about  NMC  between  3  to  4  pm.  There  is presence of more than 450 student & faculties.
(2) Rally Majura Gate to Udhna Darwaja & back to Majura Gate between 4 to 5.30 pm. There is presence of more than 1000 students of both colleges of Surat (GMCS & SMIMER) & members of IMA, Surat
(3) Press Conference at SGCCI between 6 to 6.30 pm. There is presence of more than 50 journalist of print & electronic media.
(4) Meeting with about 70 various leaders & representative of NGOs with President & Secretary of Chamber of Commerce, Surat Between 6.30 to 7.30 pm
(5)  Special  General  Body  Meeting  of  IMA,  Surat  &  addressed  of  National President Dr. Ravi Wankhedkar to IMA, Surat. Around 600 members of IMA, Surat had attended this meeting.


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