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January 2024 Issue



Dear IMA Colleagues,

Wishing you a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2024.
As you are all aware that Govt. of Gujarat was planning to implement Clinical Establishment Act (CEA23) since last year, IMA state office bearers have represented many times since 2021, before the concerned authorities, pointing out practical difficulties which will be faced if proposed Act-CEA-23 at gets implemented & have gone through the endive act line by live giving suggestions to improve the lacunae in the Act CEA-23.

I want to express gratitude for your prompt responses and valuable suggestions regarding the Clinical Establishment Act (CEA). We have already reached out to medical professionals from various specialities, Local Branch including but not limited to Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopedics, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Radiology, Pathology, and more.

The wealth of insights and recommendations we have received from you and your fellow practitioners is truly commendable. We understand the importance of incorporating your experiences into the reinement of the CEA, and we appreciate your commitment to this collaborative effort.
IMA Gujarat is actively compiling the data received from doctors all across the state. Your feedback is being organized and analyzed to create a comprehensive overview of the collective concerns and suggestions within the medical community.

My dear colleagues, rest assured IMA state office bearers have already started representation before the concerned Govt. authorities discussing our dificulties abiding the CEA-23 Act.

I am quite sure that state Govt. will bring out positive outcome.

However I must remind you that now is the time to stand united & show our solidarity & brotherhood.

Please be patient we are working hard for positive solution. We will update you as & when required.


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Number of Entries : 336
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