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February 2024 Issue



Dear IMA Colleagues,

Hope you all will be fine and in the best of your health.
Last month was quite hectic with lots of traveling and fellowships. Let me update you all about the developments and progress on various fronts.

At the outset let me congratulate all the candidates who appear for the Diploma in Medical Law from GNLU. I am
very proud to say that we have achieved 100+ results in the said exam.

We have entered into MOU with Gujarat home guards and have by now trained more than 40000 cadets in CPR. There was free cleft lip/palate repair camp under auspices of SMILE at Gokul Hospital and I represented Gujarat IMA by attending the camp as chief guest.

I attended the west zone president / secretary meeting at national IMA Headquarters, New Delhi to deliberate the issue of CEA, NEXT new IMA headquarter building. etc with honorary secretary Dr. Mehul Shah.

I also released the book on Practical guideline on Fluid in Nephrology by Dr. Sanjay Pandya.
Last, but not the least Rajkot IMA hosted first SWC meeting under my presidency. Dr. Anil Nayak, our honorary secretary general IMA Headqurter kindly consented to remain as chief guest. It was attended by 54 office bearers.

We were fortunate to have additional directors of health, health services and medical education, chairman of DNB board members of GMC and NMC, various invited dignitaries etc as invited guests in our first SWC meeting.

We discussed the issue of Fire Safety, CPA, and Clinical Establishment Act under the able guidance of Dr. Anil Nayak along with the routine reports from various subcommittees.

At last let me assure you all once again that we the office bearers of IMA Gujarat are constantly deliberating, debating all the burning issues to find the solution for the benefit of all.


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Number of Entries : 336
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