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September 2023 Issue


Dear IMA GSB Friends,

Wishing you Happy Navratri, Dashera, Sharad Purnima and Sardar Patel Jayanti. Also, we wish you all Happy Diwali and Prosperous New Year in advance.

GIMACON Amrut Mahotsav Mubarak.

Preparations for HCG GIMACON (28th, 29th October-2023) are in full swing.

Except for the 6 weeks health break, which I was compelled to take due to major fractures, the whole year remained very busy and vibrant. One year went fast, as if in flash.

I specially thank IMA’s national secretary general Dr. Anil Nayak, IMA-GSB’s vibrant secretaries Dr. Mehul Shah & Dr. Mahesh Patel, and the entire enthusiastic team; KD Hospital’s management team, namely Dr. Adit, Dr. Parth& Dr. Aditi Desai, who kept IMA-GSB together, in all their academic and philanthropic activities throughout the year.

IMA challenges and problems, such as NMC’s various orders, Clinical Establishments Act, Mixopathy etc. were solved and resolved in our favor, thanks to our unity. To get decisions in our favors from the governments was possible only due to our firm and steadfast unity, and thanks to the experience and expertise of our senior members.  Over and above various conferences, programs such as “aaogaonchale” and “organ donation awareness” became our permanent and prestigious activities in the whole year.

It is a challenge for a small branch to hold and host annual conference. However, we are working full steam ahead, at our best to host the golden jubilee, GIMACON-75 at Bhavnagar on 28-29 October 2023, at a very beautiful venue (ISCON Club Resort, Bhavnagar).

Dear all members, please come to Bhavnagar to attend this conference, and give us opportunity to host you all. Please enjoy the academic as well as gastronomic feast, in a true Kathiawadi spirit. We are eagerly and enthusiastically awaiting your arrival and   participation.

How India can solve the shortage of specialist doctors?

India has become the most populous nation on the planet. However, have we prepared ourselves to provide health care to our people? We will need general practitioners to offer preventive and primary care to this large population. We will also need more specialist doctors to provide secondary and tertiary care to our growing population. As India wants to become a developed country by 2047, our health care sector also needs to brace up for this challenge.

In order to cater to fulfill our demands for specialist doctors we will need to create more PG seats for speciality courses and encourage our young medical graduates to seek admission in specialty courses. Our long-term objective is to create adequate medical workforce that can serve our population.

Against this background, would you be not surprised to know that few thousand seats of speciality and super speciality courses remained vacant last year! There were no eligible candidates to apply for MD/MS / DM/ M. Ch. courses in our country! So many speciality seats were not filled and on the other hand thousands of aspiring young medical graduate swere denied opportunity tobecomespecialists.

This is an unfortunate situation for a country like India as it is facing an acute shortage of specialist doctors in the towns and cities. Unless we take drastic action immediately, the similar situation will prevail this year also where thousands of PG seats would go waste. New medical graduates work very hard to clear qualifying examPG NEET to get into speciality courses leading to MD / MS / DNB and super speciality courses like DM / M Ch. Many of them fail to qualify for


Let us be aware about the new rules that can impact our clinical practice in future and be careful.
Jay IMA, Jay Garvi Gujarat, Jay Hind.

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Number of Entries : 345
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