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January 2020


Dear Members,

Season’s Greetings, We congratulate  IMA Himatnagar Branch for successfully organised IMA PPS Educative Zonal Seminar at Himatnagar for the first time. It was very well attended by IMA members of Himatnagar, Idar, Khedbrama, Bhiloda, Modasa and  other IMA branches. As IMA GSB PPS is going to increase stthe indemnity cover to Rs 1 crore per year from 1 April 2020, we request our members who still not joined PPS, please be a member of PPS and take the advantage of our scheme. IMA GSB PPS is the first scheme which is going to give professional indemnity cover of Rs 1 crore per year.

In last month, violence in hospital and kidnaping of one members of AMA occurred in unfortunate incidence at Ahmedabad. In a large number of IMA members along with office bearer of AMA has rushed to police station and asked for immediate action. By their effort the 3 culprits were arrested. We congratulate the AMA for their unity, quick action and fruitful outcome.

Healthcare Violence has become an alarming phenomenon worldwide. The real size of the problem is largely unknown and recent information shows that the current knowledge is only the tip of the iceberg. Psychological violence is more prevalent than physical violence. This form of violence is widespread everywhere with verbal abuse right on the top and bullying and mobbing as second main areas of concern. Out of all healthcare related issues, Violence against healthcare professionals is the most dreaded one in India. Healthcare Violence occurs in the form of physical violence, verbal abuse, aggressive gesture, blackmailing, mob lynching and cyber bullying. Cyber crimes against healthcare professionals is the fastest evolving trend of healthcare violence. Emotional stress, doctors going through, is nothing but Emotional Violence against the noble white collared professionals.

Statistics Update

– 75% of doctors face verbal or physical abuse in hospital premises.

– Fear of violence was the most common cause for stress for 43% doctors.

– 70% of the cases of violence are in emergency areas like ICU & Casualty.

–  80% of the cases of violence are initiated by the patient’s relatives.

– Violent crimes against doctors in India have increased from 2006 to 2018 exponentially.

– 62% of doctors expressed that they are unable to see their patients without any fear of violence.

– 57% doctors have considered hiring security staff in their hospitals.

– 40% of doctors from National Capital Region reported being exposed to violence in 2018.

– Verbal abuse is the most common form of healthcare violence.

– Only 44% doctors report the incidence of violence to somebody.

– 22 state governments of India have passed protective act for doctors.

World Situation on Healthcare Violence Healthcare professionals & workers are at high risk of violence all over the world. 38% of health workers suffer physical violence at some point in their careers. Many more are threatened or exposed to verbal aggression. Most violence is perpetrated by patients and visitors. Violence against health workers is unacceptable. It has not only a negative impact on the psychological and physical well-being of healthcare professionals, but also affects their motivation. As a consequence, this violence compromises the quality of care and puts healthcare provision at risk. It also leads to immense financial loss in the health sector.

Mission Pink Health is a prestigious wing of Indian Medical Association for Community Services and Flagship Project of Indian Medical Association also known as “Mother Wing of IMA”.

“IMA Mission Pink Health is a National Community Health Project for Adolescent Girls”was launched in 2018 on top priority by the National Leadership of IMA. Mission Pink Health promising for empowerment of Adolescent Girls with the vision “Healthy Nation Today & Tomorrow”.

Mission Pink Health encompassing Anemia Free India, Welcome the Girl Child, Menstrual Health Hygiene, Prevention of Cervical Cancer, Good Touch/Bad Touch Awareness, Aao School Chale – Personal Hygiene Awareness, Prevention of Vector Born Diseases & Water Born Diseases, Social Media Addiction, Prevention of Drug & Substance Abuse, Aao Gaon Chale.

Target Population is Adolescent Girls of aged 10 to 19 years because this is a phase of aspiration,  studies, and struggle associated with profound Physical, Emotional, and Psycho-sexual turbulences.

IMA Mission Pink Health aim is to achieve its mission, create awareness and enhance knowledge about needs and problems related to Adolescent age and to make every adolescent Anemia Free by 2024.

We appeal our colleagues to join hands to spread MPH across the state to reach each & every adolescent girl and make our Country Aneamia Free.

About The Author

Number of Entries : 336
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