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December 2023 Issue



Dear IMA Colleagues,

I am very elated and privileged to be part of a novel social cause at the beginning of my presidency. The current scenario of augmenting young cardiac deaths, whose prevalence in our state has been a great concern for our society, and for us to take effective action on the same.

Rajkot Branch, under the abled leadership of president,Dr. Parash Shah and the team, has initiated and piloted a statewide mission-“IMA Dilthi, Yuva Hriday Sudhi”, a public awareness program which was organised on 10th of Dec., a Padma Shri Dr. Tejash Patel , had given an informative keynote address to the masses. All the cardiologists of Rajkot took part in the panel discussion to answer public questions related to the subject, thereby, clearing the myths and doubts regarding the same. State office bearers, Honorary Secretary, Dr. Mehul Shah, AMA President , Dr. Tushar Patel, Editor, Dr. Kamlesh Saini, Assistant Secretary, Dr. Ashish Bojak and Senior members Dr. Kirit Gadhavi and Dr. Navnit Patel had graced us with their presence. Unveilled PPT presentation will be distributed to the respective statespeciic secretaries and presidents to enlighten the public on this matter at appropriate social gatherings.

The program was made lucid by Shri Sai Ram Dave. The jam-packed auditorium of Hemu Gadhavi, with 1,200- plus attendees,was truly a magniicently remarkable and historic event to witness, as people of Rajkot celebrated ‘Heart Day’

IMA GSB is commencing second year of distance learning Law Course, a Post Graduate Diploma (PGDMLEE), which has been overwhelmingly regarded and received by our responsive members.

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Number of Entries : 345
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