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State President and Hon. State Secretary’s message-Sept 2016


Dear Members,

Wish you all a very very happy, healthy & festive season. Atmosphere  is  pleasant  almost  everywhere  and  other  way atmosphere  is  full  of  world  olympics.  We  all  have  huge expectations from our participants. The same way people of our country have huge expectations from we doctors on health aspect. We all should try our best to fulfill those expectations.
Our  IMA  HQ  is  also  working  hard  to  fulfill  we  doctors’ demands from Government. They represent so many issues ongoingly with their bureaucrats. We publish those matters in our monthly bulletin for members information & knowledge.
Our  parent  body  committed  support  to  Government  in many community programs and our leaders do expect whole hearted contribution from IMA members.

We appeal our concerned members to participate fully in (PMSMA)  Pradhan  Mantri  Surakshit  Matritva  Abhiyan.
Details  of  this  Abhiyan  is  given  in  this  bulletin.  Kindly  go through & support.

IMA HQ has launched so many other initiatives which are really  need  of  the  hour  in  current  situation.  One  such  is Hospital Board of India which is really a very good option to defend    our  fraternity  from  the  reach  of  CEA.  We  do  give information of different initiatives in our bulletin.
Recently we have witnessed huge political change in our state. But a very good news for all of us is that our own respected leader Dr KETAN DESAI is going to take over the post of World Medical Association in October month. Which is really a matter of great proud for all of us.
At last, Rajkot IMA is hosting GIMACON 2016 this year in the  month  of  October.  They  strive  hard  to  make  it  grand  & successful  from  all  aspects.  Don’t  miss  to  witness  this  mega event.



Jay Hind, Jay IMA.



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Number of Entries : 336
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