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State President and Hon. State Secretary’s message-Jan 2015



Hope, you must updated your knowledge on Swine flu. Swine Flu is extending its wings and is now in Epidemic stage. This year, up to 12 February only in Gujarat 117 people died due to Swine Flu and 1233 cases have been identified. As we are in medical profession, it is our duty to stop or control this epidemic and help the Government and Society by what ever way we can. Indian Medical Association, Gujarat State Branch along with Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Gujarat organize many district level programme for awareness and information of our members. If any district has not organized such programme, please so. Be vigilant, pick up the cases in early stage and refer it to the designated hospitals. Your co- operation is very much needed. Let us hope with for improvement in condition with gradual decline in cold.

14 & 15 February IMA Gujarat State Branch was fortunate to host the President, World Medical Association, Sir Dr. Michael Marmot, is on the visit of one of the tribal areas of North Gujarat. He saw the changes in the villages, changes in the people which are the results due to IMA’s initiative – ‘Aao Gaon Chalen’. Our visionary leader Dr. Ketan Desai is himself looking after the project in this area and taking personal interest in the upliftment of the tribal people. This is the single project which has changed the IMA’s image in the society. We earnestly request all the local branch Presidents and Hon. Secretaries to adopt at least one village and start doing activities. The restructured uniform project is being given in this bulletin. Dr. Sunil Acharya from Deesa is assigned to monitor this project. Please report to us . Your suggestions are most welcome.

This year’s first ever state programme “Medicine & Law” was extremelycsuccessful. More than 180 IMA members across the Gujarat attended it at Vadodara. We congratulate Team IMA Vadodara for successfully organizing the programme on behalf of IMA Gujarat. The second such State Programme is on 5 April 2015 at Surat on – Rational use of Antibiotics”. The aim of this programme is that our IMA Members will get the knowledge & uplift their skill from the invited National speakers. We request the other big branches to come forward for hosting such programmes like Disaster Management, Communication Skill and Care for Elderly. We at local branch level organises the scientific programmes. We request to keep the scientific programmes on the subject like Pharmaco-vigilence,Post Polio syndrome, Disaster Management, Medicine and Law, Communication Skill, Leadership qualities, Ethics and behavior, Mental health, Diabetes and blindness prevention, Nutrition and public health, Child sexual abuse, Vector borne disease control programme, Maternal mortality etc.

IMA HQ organized State President and State Secretaries meet at New Delhi. Many projects and schemes were discussed. During two days of Marathon Meeting, a clear cut guidelines is given to all states. We are sure you will all give me full support to implement them. We have also planned such meeting of Gujarat Level.
Settings goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. We have set our goal, now it is up to on us to turn invisible in to visible results. We once again request all of you to start taking part in IMA Activities. Give only one hour to IMA in a week and see what we can do. We are confident enough with your love, affection, co-operation and good wishes


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Number of Entries : 336
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