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September 2018


Dear Members,
Season’s Greetings!
Government  decided  not  to  discuss  the  bill  in  parliament  because  of consistent pressure from all and united efforts. Thanks to all of you. Be ready for the next line of action on other fronts, be it PCPNDT act or
oxytocin  tragedy.  We  are  now  very  well  oiled  united  community  of doctors who are ready to take challenges at very short notice.

Ever since NHPS came into public domain, IMA has been on its feet. IMA is aware that this would be the most disruptive programme in Health Care. This has the power of an avalanche and can eliminate the small and
medium hospitals.

IMA had to put up dedicated hard work to catch-up with the Government. Some battles were won. IMA is still out there persuading the Government and working with the NITI  AYOG. IMA will not compromise the interest
of the profession.

IMA  has  not  endorsed  or  accepted  the  package  rates  put  up  by  the Government.  IMA  has  made  it  clear publicity  that  it  is  impossible  to provide  care  at  the  rates  quoted  by  the  Government.  IMA  has categorically stated that the abysmal rates would breed corruption and malpractice. Patient Care and Safety will be the casualty.
The Government have accepted that proper costing of the procedures will be done and have constituted a study team. IMA also has initiated this process. IMA demands legitimate sustainable rates be fixed for at least 150 common procedures.

OCTOBER is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
As per the Global Cancer Data, (GLOBOCON 2018) released online, a few days ago,   the global cancer burden has risen to 18.1 million new cases  and  9.6  million  cancer  deaths  every  year.  The  International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates that one-in-five men and one-in-six women worldwide will develop cancer over the course of their lifetime, and that one-in-eight men and one-in-eleven women will die from their disease.

In India, it is estimated that nearly 12 lakh (1157294)   people will be diagnosed with Cancer, while 78482 patient   are likely to die due to cancer in 2018. The number of prevalent cases (5-year) will be around 2258208.

BREAST CANCER has highest incidence & death amongst all cancer in men & women combined. Its incidence in both sex’s together is 14% (162468 pts.) amongst all cancers as compared to Lip & Oral Cavity 10.4% , followed by Cervix Uterus & Lung. The breast cancer incidence is projected  to  rise  to  261850  cases  by  year  2040.  Although  many countries have an higher incidence, their mortality rate is much lower, as the patient is diagnosed & treated in an early stage of the disease.

In females with cancers 27.7 % are due to breast cancer,16.5% Cervix Uterus,  Ovary  6.2%  &  Lip  Oral  Cavity  4.8%.  Since  last  few  years, incidence of Breast cancer has become much more then Ca.Cx.Indian Medical Association plans to create awareness for prevention & early detection of BREAST CANCER.

We are sure with the help & support of IMA Women’s Wing, our member Gynaecologists, Oncologist & Surgeons, this task  can be achieved. This will be a yeoman service to the society.

IMA  National  President  DONATES  62.5  lacs  again  to  Flood  affected members who suffered losses to their hospitals and houses. This was inaddition to Rs 50 lacs donated to CM Relief Fund and direct contributions
by various IMA branches to CM fund to the tune of another 50 lacs. We are thankful to various local branches and members of IMA GSB for
genorous donation for Nobel cause.
IMA has already initiated the JEEVAN KRIYA Project under which Free clinics,  medicines  and  Ambulance  services  are  made  available  in various parts of Kerala which will run for next 6 months.
We congratulate IMA Vadodara Branch for successfully organized P.P.S. Zonal Educative  Seminar on 19th August, 2018.
We are proudly announce that we have done a CME on Tuberculosis in almost every  district of  Gujarat under  the  guidance of  Dr  Bipinbhai Patel, State coordinator, IMA End TB Initiatives.
Dr  Erika,a  renowned  IVF  &  Infertility  specialist,  originally  from Ahmedabad now in Chennai, successfully completed the prestigious
Berlin Marathon. She completed the grueling 42 km race in 5 hours. Berlin Marathon is world’s 4 th major Marathon. Erika was training hard for last few months for this event. She has previously completed many such events in past in India and abroad. She symbolizes real women empowerment especially of women doctors who now represent 50 % of our fraternity. Her achievement will serve as an inspiration for other women doctors. Congratulations to proud parents, Dr Mrs Alkaben & Dr.  Ketanbhai  Desai.  Hearty  congratulations  and  best  wishes  from TEAM IMA 2018
On  behalf  of  organizing  committee,  we  request  you  to  register  in Gimacon  2018  which  will  be  held  on  27th,  28th  October,  2018  at GMERS Medical College, Himatnagar.


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Number of Entries : 336
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