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November 2022 Issue


Respected Members,

Season’s Greetings to all !

First of all, on behalf of all IMA members, I congratulate Dr. Paresh Majumdar and his local organizing IMA-Baroda team; as well as Dr. Mehul Shah and IMA-GSB team, for the superb management in organizing this GIMCON-22, and also for the excellent work done throughout the year 2021-22.

Today I feel very happy and blessed to have become president of Gujarat State Branch of Indian Medical Association.

In 1989, I was inspired to join in the service and in activities of IMA by my senior friend and inspiratory legend, dearly respected in our heart as “The Boss”, Dr. Ketan Desai. And since last 33 years, I have continuously remained active in service of IMA.

Today, to become “Pradhan/Mukhya Sevak” of thirty three thousand doctors of Gujarat, is a proud moment and a privilege for me.

In the last 33 years journey, I am trained and nurtured by seniors and members of all zones, namely –Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot, Surat, West & South.

In these days, when IMA is facing difficult situations and multi-lateralchallenges, only our unity will become and remain our strength.

Socially, politically or religiously, we may be part of various groups and factions at personal and individual levels; but for the IMA, we have to get united and use all our social and political might and will power for IMA; keeping “IMA first, IMA must” as our guiding motto & a light house like principle.

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About The Author

Number of Entries : 336
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