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November 2021

Respected Members;

Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!!
It’s my pleasure to communicate to you; through this bulletin; as President, IMA GSB.
First of all; my sincere thanks to all 30,000 plus Members of the IMA GSB & especially more than
3000 members of my IMA Vadodara Branch; for keeping faith in me &choosing me; uncontested.
As we know our organization is more than70 years old & and all stallworths; Past Presidents & committee members have worked very hard to make our organizationthis much strong.
I would like to mention few names like Dr. Ketanbhai Desai, Dr. Jitendrabhai B. Patel, Dr. Bipinbhai Patel, Dr. Mahendrabhai Desai Late Dr Kanodiya from Amdavad Dr. Vinodbhai Shah from Surat, Dr. Mansukhbhai Kanani from Bhavnagar, Dr. Atulbhai Pandya from Rajkot, Dr. Anilbhai Nayak from Mehsana, Dr Sureshbhai Amin ; Dr Mayank Bhatt and My mentor Dr. Chetanbhai Patel from Vadodara, DR. C.K. Shah from Godhra, – list is very long.
So pardon me if I have not mentioned other names ; who have dedicated their life for growing our organization and making it stronger; at this level.

It will beaim of my team to grow it further. For which I seek your support& Co-operation.  As we all know, medical fraternity is facing lot of issues now a days & gradually it has become very difficult to sustain our private practice.
Our team will try to resolve this issues with help of you all .

We will work as a bridge between Society, Medical Fraternity & Government.
We will implement; all government sponsored programmes which are beneficial to society.
In past also we had implemented many such programmes like eradication of Polio, TB, Leprosy, HIV, etc.
Recently IMA had taken lead role in developing strategy to right covid-19 pandemic.
Advocacy for the health & welfare of the society is reflected in the prompt manner; in which we rally around for a cause like “Beti Bachavo”, “Aao Gaon Chale”, awareness against cancer etc.
This year ; we have thought about launching awareness campaigns like “Adult Vaccination ”, “Post-Partum Depression”, and “Bystander’s CPR”.
We will try to train common people regarding this; which may further save few more lives.
Team IMA GSB expects your full co-operation 

We requests you to contribute to our Association in your own
capacity. As we know this is Era of “Social Media”.


We invite all members to join IMA GSB Facebook page & send your suggestions.
Our team will respond to it positively.
This year ; our priority will be; to strengthen our wings like IMA MSN ; IMA JDNand IMA Women’s Wing.
At last thank you all for patience hearing

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Number of Entries : 345
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