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November 2018




Dear Members,
Season’s Greetings.
I have taken over as a President of IMA GSB, Gujarat State with effect from 27.10.2018, my branch members are very happy to know this fact. Chance for the President post is given to smallest Union Territory of Daman and Diu which itself show positive attitude for doing development work for medical profession and the society.

We promise to take ahead all the issues of the medical fraternity and the society  further  and  fight  out  strongly  for  getting  positive  results. Friends, you know that the medical profession as whole facing assault on doctors and violence in the hospital which is increasing day by day has to be dealt unitedly with strong motivations.

It has been ascertained that the Government has appointed an Board Of Governors  of  five  Govt.  doctors  since  the  term  of  MCI  is  nearing completion. It’s nearly same as previous oversight committee. There is no bureaucrats in it.

Government  has  not  promulgated  the  NMC  Bill  as  ordinance.  This  is certainly another achievement for the stiff resistance put up by IMA in its struggle  against  NMC.  IMA  has  stalled  the  same  by  mobilising  the fraternity, public opinion and MPs in the past two Parliament sessions.

We will strategies to continue the resistance during the winter session as well.  IMA  shall  remain  alert  and  stand  as  a  rock  in  defending  the profession.

IMA Action Committee in an emergency session in Mumbai condemned the supersession of MCI.

This action of the Government at a juncture when the election to MCI has been announced is unwarranted and malafide The composition of the BOG itself  is  unacceptable.  Directors  of  major  National  institutions,  would
scarcely find time to administer more than 450 medical colleges and their PG,  UG  courses.  Moreover  there  is  no  representation  to  women  and Registered Medical Practitioners.

IMA is convinced that supersession of MCI is only a smoke screen and ploy to prepare the ground for NMC and sabotage the democratic process of MCI. Why the Government was in a hurry to scuttle a democratic process needs an answer.
IMA’s  concerns  remain.  Bringing  MCI  directly  under  the  government control  seems  to  be  to  plan  to  implementation  of  Bridge  Courses, crosspathy and registration of non medical persons. IMA demands that the
BOG should refrain from taking any major policy decisions or amendments changing the character of the IMC Act. IMA also demands that the election process in progress in MCI should be allowed to continue.

IMA will continue its resistance to NMC Bill. Any intentions of the NMC Bill implemented  through  the  appointed  BOG  will  be  fought  with determination.

220th  Central Working Committee meeting held on 17th  & 18th  Nov. at Indore M.P. & in this meeting it was unanimously resolved that IMA will continue its  struggle  against  the  Undemocratic,  Draconian,  Anti  student,  Anti Federal, Anti poor NMC bill with the same vigour. An action plan to tackle it in the upcoming winter session of parliament starting on 11th December will be decided in the coming Action Committee meeting. IMA has already
voiced  its  strong  protect  &  grave  concern  over  the  undemocratic subversion  of  autonomous  functioning  of  MCI  and  demanded  its immediate restoration.

Friends,  required  your  whole  heartedly  support  to  deal  with  all  the problems faced by the medical professions.

For more details click on the below link

About The Author

Number of Entries : 337
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