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November 2017



Dear Friends,
It’s my great pleasure that my installation of president GSB IMA at Narayani hotel Ahmedabad in GIMACON hosted by AMA organised by Dr. Harshad Patel and Dr. Jayesh Sachde.

I am thankful to our beloved leaders Dr. Ketanbhai Desai, Dr. Jitubhai Patel, Dr. Mahendrabhai Desai, Dr Bipinbhai Patel, Dr. Anil Nanak, Dr. Dhaneshbhai Patel and all respected IMA committee members. I congratulate GSB IMA Immediate Past President Dr. Yogendra Modi and Hon. State Secretary Dr Kamlesh Saini who has done great work with dedication.

They have arranged Challo Delhi and IMA protest program very well and successfully. I Congratulate to Organising team Great success and wonderful scientific meet and great entertainment for in GIMACON-2017. As a president elect 2017, I assures to work sincerely and dedicated to IMA Head Quarter and IMA GSB. I will continue all programme and our demands pending in government again.

I congratulate and best wishes to IMA GSB and AMA team for organising GIMACON-2017.




Dear Members,
Season’s Greetings.
First of all I would like to thank Dr Jitubhai B. Patel, Past National President, IMA HQ ; Dr Mahendrabhai B. Desai , Chairman, Finance Standing Committee & Past Presidents of GSB IMA, My Seniors and All the State council member of GSB IMA , who put faith in me and elected as a Hon. State Secretary of this Auspicious Association for the second year consequently and give me opportunity to serve this association which worked for upliftment and betterment of our medical
fraternity and society at large. I am also thankful to Dr. Yogendrabhai Modi, Immediate Past President of IMA-GSB for his whole Hearted support throughout our tenure during last year.

During last year we had raised our voice to show our Solidarity of Medical Fraternity in form of Peaceful Protests, Rally, Fast, Black Bedge etc. Almost every IMA Local Branches and members supported and made every movement successful. I ask for the same support to continue our fight in future. I hope every IMA Local Branch and members will prove our Strength and Unity.

I am thankful to Dr Jitubhai B. Patel, Dr Mahendrabhai B. Desai, Dr Yogendrabhai S. Modi, Dr Kirtibhai M. Patel, Dr Bipinbhai M. Patel, Dr Jitendrabhai N. Patel, Dr Atulbhai Pandya, all the Office Bearers of GSB IMA and State Working Committee members for their constant Support and Guidance throughout the last year and seeking same kind of help for my next term.

In the last, I must congratulate Ahmedabad Medical Association and the whole Organizing Committee for successfully organized GIMACON-2017 at Ahmedabad and they worked very hard to make GIMACON-2017, A Memorable One.

Long live IMA

About The Author

Number of Entries : 336
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