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June 2019


Dear Members,
Season’s Greetings.
In a recent incident in West Bengal, Dr. Paribaha Mukherjee, a young doctor was brutally attacked by a violent mob at NRS Medical College, Kolkata. He was  cirtical  and  fighting  for  his  life.  IMA  GSB  has  observed  Statewide Protest Day on 14th June, 2019.

IMA GSB condemns the violence against the doctors in West Bengal. IMA demanded exemplary action by the State Government of West Bengal. All the legitimate demands of the Resident Doctors in West Bengal should be accepted unconditionally. Safety and security in the hospitals have been a mattern of great concern and need to be addressed and ensured.

In view of the continued sufferings of the medical professionals and health workers as well as repeated occurrence of such incident without redressal, the  Indian  Medical  Association,  Gujarat  State Branch  had  decided  to continue  the  protest  on  15th  June  (Saturday)  and  16th  June,  2019 (Sunday) as well, which will include black badges, Dharnas, peace marches etc. Indian  Medical Association Gujarat State Branch hereby called for an State  –  wide  withdrawal  of  non  essential serfices  in  all  health  care institutions on Monday, 17th June, 2019, All non essential services including OPDs will be withdraw for 24 hours from 6:00 am to 6.00 am next day. All emergency and causalty  was exemplted.

Almost all Local Branches & Medical College has participated widely.

All associations of the fraternity  joined in the struggle.

Others Paramedical Association like, Ayush, Dental, Physiotherapy, Nursing other NGO’s like, Rotary, Lions also extended their support in to movement of I.M.A.

Heartily  Congratulations  to  Medical  Fraternity  all  over  Gujarat  for unprecedented Unity and Support .

IMA GSB is thankful to all the Members, IMA Leaders, Residents, Students, All Speciality and Superspeciality Associations for their active  Involvement which leads a great success.

We have to keep up this tempo.

All appreciation to the bold Contribution & Efforts.

Indian Medical Association Gujarat State Branch has been demanding a NATIONAL LAW AGAINST HOSPITAL VIOLENCE. IMA has declared a zero-tolerance policy against violence on doctors and healthcare establishments. World Medical Association has also passed a resolution against violence on
healthcare establishments and urged to bring stronger legislation against this menace.

National Law against violence on hospitals has to be brought in urgently. The law should provide a minium of seven years imprisonment for hospital violence. To ensure that the cases are registered, culprits are arrested and conviction is necessitated, appropriate mandatory provisions as provided in
the POCSO act have to be instituted. Hospitals should be declared as safe zones and provision of appropriate security should be the responsibility of the State.

Violence in hospitals will adversely affect the patient care. Not only the patients undergoing treatment in the institution but also there are lot of indirect consequences. Institutions will be reluctant to take up complicated and risky patient which will affect critical care. Threat of violence increases the stress levels of health care workers. Sound judgment regarding patient care will be compromised in such situations. Patient Care and safety will depend on peaceful ambience in the hospitals.

IMA condemns violence on doctors and hospitals.
IMA demands Central Act against violence in hospitals.
Long live IMA.

About The Author

Number of Entries : 336
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