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June 2018


Dear Members.
Seasons greetings!
First, we congratulate the undergraduate NEET qualifiers students who get success in all India and state rank.

We are happy to announce that Junior Doctors Network (JDN) formed under guidelines of Dr. Bipinbhai Patel, Managing Director, PPS and Past President GSB IMA and Women Doctor Wing formed under guidance of Dr Monaben Desai, National Chairperson, WDW.

Incidence of violence on doctors are increasing day by day. IMA strongly condemns this type of incidence. Such incidence happened in B.J. Medical College, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, last month. Due to unity of JDN and all  residents,  Honourable  Deputy  Chief  Minister  and  Health  Minister, Shree NItinbhai Patel has came at campus and assured to take action.

Government of Gujarat introduced Vahan Akasmat Yojana last month. GSB IMA welcome and appreciate the initiatives taken by the Government of Gujarat in reducing death rate following Road Traffic  Accidents.

All  practicing  doctors  in  Gujarat  and  across  the  country,  whether  in Government/Private/Multispecialty/Corporate  Hospitals  are  voluntarily abiding by EMS law, which was also enacted on the behest of our own
doctor fraternity. We are providing Life saving emergency treatment to all accident victim without any deposits or financial expectation since many years without any compulsion on humanitarian grounds.

We  have  had  discussion  with  specialist  association  dealing  with emergency care and everybody was of the opinion that schemes in the present  form  can’t  be  implemented  without  necessary  changes  and without taking stakeholder in to confidence.

GSB  IMA wrote a letter  to Honourable Chief Minister Shree Vijaybhai Rupani;  Honourable  Deputy  Chief  Minister  and  Health  Minister  Shree Nitinbhai  Patel  and  Chief  Secretary  of  Health  Shree  Poonamchand
Parmar regarding this scheme and seeking their appointments.

Representative of  GSB IMA, various association dealing with emergency care and IMA Rajkot had meeting with with Honourable Deputy CM & Health Minister Shree Nitinbhai Patel, Chief Secretary of Health Shree Poonamchand Parmar, Health Commissionaire Mrs Jayanti Ravi, Director of Medical service Dr Dholakia any other concern Govt. Officers   and discussed various problem regarding this scheme and they agreed to do practical  amendment  in  this  scheme.  Meeting  was  very  fruitful  and further meeting will be scheduled for detail discussion in  near future. We
also  meet  Honourable  Cheif  Minister  Shree  Vijaybhai  Rupani  & represented our problems.

IMA  GSB  congratulate  our  beloved  leader  Dr  Ketanbhai  Desai  Sir, Past President, World Medical association, and his team for launching KD  Hospital    for  noble  and  humanitarian  services  to  society  for affordable prices.
Dr Ravi Vankhedekar, National President, IMA HQ and Dr. Bhupendra Shah, President GSB IMA and National Vice President IMA HQ remains present and inaugurated   CGP Scientific CME organised by Ahmedabad Medical Association at Ahmedabad .

For more details click on the below link

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Number of Entries : 336
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