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July 2022 Issue



Respected Members,
Seasons Greetings..!!
Wishing you all Happy Independence Day !
May the flavors of festivals like Rakshabandhan; Janmashtami etc. Fill our life in this month !

As we know that the obsolete Drugs and Cosmetic act 1940 is being replaced by the proposed new Drugs; medical devices and cosmetics bill and comments from public and stakeholders was solicited.

Draft bill proposes new definitions for a clinical trial; over the counter drugs; manufacturers; medical devices; new drugs; bio-availability studies; investigational new drugs; and more .

The bill also seeks to regulate online pharmacies and medical devises. It imposes penalties such as imprisonment and compensation in case of injury or death during clinical trials for drugs. 

As we are aware that atrocities against our fraternity has increased nowadays. I feel we should be very careful, have to follow all SOP’S, All local Branches should arrange Medico legal workshops, should make everyone more aware with all Medico legal problems. Everyone should document complete history with written consent for every procedures, Every local branch should have social media group with communication with police department. Only solution is Documentation, Honesty and unity. Be master in Medicolegal queries. All our dear friends know about Media impact now. Each and every patient will have smart phones, can record whole event in any given time and make it viral. Communication is very important after  seeing any patient. We should clearly explain what we are suspecting and what treatment we are giving, what are the adverse effects we expect from our treatment etc. Everything should be conveyed to our patients without hesitation. Please be frank and never hesitate for expert opinion or further investigations.

Last month we had meetings of various schemes run by IMA. Our all welfare schemes are very beneficial for members and family. We appeal all the members to be a member of all these beneficial schemes and encourage our colleagues and friends.

IMA GSB had organized state level Tenis tournament . It was a great successful event. Team IMA GSB congratulates all the winners and participants. Our sincere thanks to all who had worked hard to organize this event. Looking to success of this event; we are encouraged to do more such activities .

IMA Mehsana branch is publishing their members directory. We congratulate them. The past has taught us the importance of keeping friends and family close and nothing can be better than this handy information which serves beneficial in times of emergency or for routine work. We appeal Office Bearers of all the major branches of IMA; to take up this project of members directory .

During this seasons of monsoon; vector borne disease is rising. We request all the members to take utmost care of themselves and their family members and take all necessary precautions.

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About The Author

Number of Entries : 336
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