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July 2021 Journal


Dear Members,
India with the proactive leadership of Honourable Prime Ministerji and dedicated altruistic services of
Modern Medical fraternity has literally just walking out of the disastrous second wave of Covid pandemic.
With the global evidence available and the history of any pandemics the third wave is inevitable and
imminent. But the past experience of last one and half years of war with the virus and based on the
emerging evidences it is obvious with making the universal vaccination reach maximum possible
population and strictly adopting to Covid appropriate behaviours we can face the third wave with
confidence and mitigate its impact. However, it is painful to note in this crucial time every one need to
work for the mitigation of third wave, in many parts of the country both government and public are
complacent and engaged in mass gatherings without following Covid protocols. Tourist bonanza,
pilgrimage travel, religious fervour all are needed, but can wait for few more months. Opening up these
rituals and enabling people without vaccination to go scot free in these mass gatherings are potential
super spreaders for the Covid third wave. The consequences of treating a patient with covid in hospital
and its impacts on the economy will be much better than the economic loss we suffer with avoiding such
mass gathering it is the duty and responsibility of every one at this moment to strictly enforce the covid
appropriate behaviours for minimum three more months and ensure every one nearer to our house are
getting vaccinated. IMA appeal to state Government to translate the vision of Honourable Prime
Ministerji and control any mass gatherings in our state.

IMA welcome the decision by the Government to conduct NEET PG examinations on 11th September.
The Ministry and the National Board of examination of Medical Science are taking all possible steps to
conduct the exams with adequate Covid protocol and the exams are scheduled to be held in 260 cities
and 800 test centers across the country. This will enable almost all the doctors get their exam center at
their place of choice. Now it is also important to scale up the process of result publication, counseling and
starting of the courses to be as quick as possible and hoping to welcome the new postgraduates by the
end of October. The country is in need of manpower in all medical colleges as the final year
postgraduates have already on the process of completing their exams.

Along with the center merit list the state merit list shall be also published and all states shall be also
motivated to complete the process of admission as per the schedule and guidance. Nearly 1.76 lakhs
students are going to participate in this NEET PG examination and IMA wish all the best to them. As the
central INCET exams will be over by July 22, the admission process for the All India and state quota shall
go without much difficulty.

For more information download Bulletin PDF

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Number of Entries : 336
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