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February 2019


Dear Members,

Season’s Greetings.
First of all we would like to greetings for Vasant Panchmi which is known for Saraswati and Laxmi Puja may Laxmiji brings lot of wealth and prosperity to all.
Looking  at  present  scenario  of  compensation  in  medico-legal cases, a HISTORIC & LANDMARK decision to protect interest of members has been taken by Professional Protection Scheme (P.P.S) of GSB IMA under guidance of Dr Mahendrabhai Desai, Dr  Bipinbhai  Patel  and  whole  managing  committee  of  PPS  to increase indemnity coverage of every member to Rs. 1 Crore per case and also aggregate per year. It is need of hours. After seeing such benefits for members, more and more doctors will prefer to be member of IMA  organisations.

The  same  will  be  implemented  from  1st  April  2020  after  due approvals from respective committees.
Anticipating support from the members as always….
IMA  GSB  strongly  condemn  the  attack  on  CRPF  at  Pulwama. Our sympathies is with the nation. IMA GSB has decided to donate handsome amount to the family of victims. You are requested to
come forward to help by generously donating in this noble cause.
The freedom struggle of the fraternity from the National Medical Commission Bill has been completed with the achievement of the Bill lapsing in Lok Sabha.
The IMC Bill 2018 and the ordinance 2019 have lapsed as well. Consumer Protection Bill 2019 has been deferred amounting to the same effect.
IMA GSB acknowledges the great contributions of the leaders who have led from the front for the cause of the fraternity.
It has been an unique struggle powered by the sacrifice of great leaders.
Generations to come will recall this struggle as reassertion of the identity and fortitude of the profession.

IMA GSB thanks all the members who have struggled for this day.
Long live solidarity of the profession.
Long live IMA.

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Number of Entries : 345
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