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Gujarat Medical Journal 2016

Dear Members,
Wishing you all a very happy ending of this winter season.
As you all know that with the ending of one season, other starts. But since last few years, we all
witness sudden change of weather in between or some intermittent phase where more than one season
exists. Its commonly known as effect of Global Warming. But friends, have you observed similar kind of
behavioral patterns among human beings too? That pattern changes frequently. That is known as impact
of Globalization.
With the advancement of Information Technology and Social media, any kind of information spreads
with jet speed. If information is negative, the speed gets doubled. And that prevails every where. Because
that’s how the human brain works. That’s how we have grown up. But friends, yes, with conscious and
continuous efforts, that can be transformed toward positive side. Though it’s exhaustive job but in long
run, it certainly pays. Our sincere request to medical fraternity friends, looking to present scenario of
patient doctor relationship, the way it deteriorates so rapidly, let us have a beginning from our side to
improve it.

Certainly we at IMA GSB are witnessing very good impact of advancement of technology by
involvement of local branch leaders through social media. There is very good day to day interaction among
them all. Which has started bringing them closer to each other, sharing of their local branch activities and
many more things to evolve.
Friends, last month GSBIMA president Dr Atul Pandya has took the lead of an unique project with
support of Gujarat Psychiatry Association ” JI VISH” that is to prevent suicidal cases among students all over
We need your active and affirmative participation in IMA activities. That will certainly boost our
Our heartiest congratulations to Imm. Past President Dr. Chetan Patel for achieving “Best Adjudged
State President” award during NATCON-2015, New Delhi.

At the end, our best wishes are always there with all exam going students, particularly 10th & 12th as
they are considered as benchmark for their career.
Good bye, Jay IMA, Take Care.

About The Author

Number of Entries : 345
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