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December 2018


Dear  Members
Seasons  greetings.
Medical Education is the key edifice on which the generation of effectively trained health manpower
depends, which in its turn is the key repository for an effective healthcare delivery system in the country
towards diligent actualization of the core concept of the ‘Welfare State’ enshrined in the Constitution. The
‘health’ of medical education in the domain of ‘quality centricity’ therefore, turns out to be the guarantee
of the ‘health’ of a meaningful diligent ‘outcome based’ healthcare delivery system. It is for this very
reason regulation of medical education has to be objective, autonomous, responsive, responsible and yet

In order to ensure fulfillment of the set out objectives of medical education is statutorily regulated
through a body created by a Parliamentary Enactment in the name ‘Medical Council of India’ in terms of
Indian Medical Council Act,1933 epealed by Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, which came to be amended
in the year 1964, 1993, 2001, 2015 and 2016 respectively. However, the Government of India, intends to
repeal the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 as amended from time to time by a proposal titled ‘National
Medical Commission Bill 2017/18′ which is pending consideration by the Loksabha since March, 2018.
The Government of India, superseded elected Medical Council of India reconstituted by itself on 5th
November, 2013 by an ordinance dated 26th September, 2018 availing authority vested with it under
section 3(A) of the IMC Act, 1956.
The said dissolution has been condemned by IMA in vociferous terms stating the said action on part
of the Government of India, to be autocratic, undemocratic, unilateral, highhanded, without citing any
reasons for the same in public domain and solely aimed at ensuring that elections for constituting of the
Medical  Council  of  India  by  5th  November,  2018  are  scuttled,  which  is  nothing  short  of  an  abject

IMA with its total solidarity and unity is committed to oppose the nefarious design of the Government
of India, in pushing through the National Medical Commission Bill by styling it as a ‘Money Bill’, in total
contravention of Article 110 read with 117 of the Constitution of India with all its might in the interest of
people and profession alike.
It has successfully resisted the might of the Govt. for well over past 9 months and resolves with
purpose, determination and direction to resist the same, come-what-may. This is the miracle that the
strength and unity of IMA has been able to usher in and would continue to bring desired results in public
interest.  The  resolve  of  the  IMA  on  this  count  is  unending  till  the  desired  results  are  achieved  in  a
meaningful sense.
Long Live IMA

For more details click on the below link


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Number of Entries : 345
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