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December 2016 Journal


Dear Friends,
Hope this Gujarat Medical Journal finds you in the best of your health and spirit. While this journal reaches to your hand, it might have completed year 2016 and year 2017 begins with a new Hope. May this New Year brings joy and prosperity in your life.
Friends, as you all are aware that the whole medical fraternity is passing through a very hard phase. With the advent of new draconian and absurd laws enforced, sorry state of medical education, rapid commercialization, onslaught of corporate hospitals, falling image we doctors have become a favorite whipping boy of the society, government and press. Nobody is ready to look at the issue comprehensively and address the problems considering the total scenario. Everybody tries to find a temporary and quick solution and it is creating more and more problems.


For more download the bulletin issue of December JOURNAL 2016


About The Author

Number of Entries : 345
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