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August Bulletin 2015

August-2015Dear Friends
Indian Medical Association is voluntary organization and is for spreading and fostering brotherhood amongst ourselves. IMA is not only forum for Academic Interest, but also a forum to enhance the relationship between us. The unity of members of our Association forms the foundation in which we can construct all our activities including Community service. Hence the friendship and fellowship is the most important objectives of our IMA. In order to strengthen the effective functioning of the local branches, every office bearer and members should know our obligations to IMA, Benefits of joining IMA, the ways and means of improving the attendance, friendship and fellowship amongst the members and how to build rapport and good relations with the society at large. Please involve yourself in its activity. Give your time & skill for the Association. Please attend your branch meeting in the of No branch can operate efficiently without the full participation of its members in regular meetings.Non-attendance causes failure of the branch to receive the members ideas. “Attendance percentage is the health indicator of the branch”.

Leaders are special people of great vision, talents & influence who successfully guide, motivate and inspire others to achieve their high goals. Your President and Secretary along with whole TEAM IMA GSB are working to gather with effective co-ordinator, co-operation to run the Association in a smooth and effective manner. For better communication, we require your phone numbers, mobile number and e-mail. The local branch Presidents and Hon. Secretaries are requested to submit the updated data of their members. Thedecisions are not reaching to the grass root level workers because of communication gap between state branch, local branch & individual members. The data provided by you will help us to fill up this gap.
Young members should be involved in all our activities. The wisdom of elders and vigor of youth are the key point for success to any organization. We should give more chances for the youth to take up the office and to run the office with Every Dynamism senior member should be a role model to the youthful members. Last year our respectable IMA Past National President Dr. Jitendra B. Patel had launched two National project. IMA knowledge and Life Style Disease Awareness programme. Our IMA GSB Past President Dr. Suresh P. Amin is leading the Life Style Disease Awareness programme. All the State Working Committee members as well as local branch Presidents & Hon. Secretaries will receive a complete guide book for implementation. We request you to implement in in your branch.
The meeting of State President and Hon. State Secretaries organized by IMA HQ at Mumbai. Our State activities were praised by all the members including the National leadership. So friends report your activities to our State office in a prescribed format.

Our next GIMACON is schedule on 28th & 29th November 2015. Represent your branch in a very large number in this mega state event. The registration form is in this bulletin as well as on IMA GSB’s web site : The Team IMA Vadodara is working very hard to make it successful. Register for the same in very large number.
The world is full of good, ethical people. If you cannot find one, you be one.


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Number of Entries : 336
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