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August 2018


Dear Members,
Seasons greetings! August months is full of festivals, hope all of you might enjoyed and celebrated all festivals.
Now that it is clear that the Anti Poor, Anti Fedral, Anti Democratic NMC bill was tabled but could not discuss in the current session of Loksabha, our   long struggle  against  this  bill  starting  from  start  of  this  year  has  achieved  a  major milestone. The next parliamentary session will be held probably in December and it is expected that with elections around the corner Government will defer it further.

We thank GOI & all the parliamentarians for being considerate to the genuine anguish amongst the entire medical fraternity. This has been achieved due to the unprecedented unity of fraternity coupled with timely direct action, effective media management and strategic political lobbying.

Kudos to thousands and thousands of IMA activists who worked day and night to achieve the goal. Special thanks to leaders of all political parties who very rightly understood the dangers of NMC and supported IMA views. The Dhikkar Diwas proclaimed IMA. Nothing could have been more surreal. Driven to a photo finish and weather beaten by seven months of struggle it needed nerves of steel to still remain defiant.   Intense lobbying of parliamentarians and political leaders preceded Dhikkar Diwas.

Declaration of Dhikkar Diwas was proclamation of defiance. There was simply no other choice. Red Alert was issued throughout the country. In less than 48 hours the medical fraternity responded. Doctors stopped all non emergency work across the state. In many places Government doctors joined their colleagues in private sector. Autonomy of medical profession was dear to everyone. Public opinion and media awakened by the anti poor nature of the Bill rallied with IMA. On Dhikkar diwas, Dr Bhupendra Shah had given memorandum to their  MP Mr Dipsinh Rathod
from  SK  and  hold  a  press  meeting.  Tremendous  response  of  strike  had  been received from all the Local branches of Gujrat, IMA Members, Medical Students and Residents Doctors. Dhikkar Diwas certainly sent home the message.

For more details click on the below link

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Number of Entries : 336
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