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April Bulletin 2014

April-2014Dear members, Summer has started and day by day temperature will rise. This time I would like to draw your attention on important issues. It is 2014, the sensex is zooming, economic growth is rising and India has become a success story! A
countryof more than one billion citizens, with almost 50% of them in the productive age group, should result in an energetic and
vibrant India on its march toward development. India has the second largest pool of scientific and technical manpower in the world, and is today sought out in the global marketplace as an important stop for technical and software support and services. But can numbers truly be our strength when as many as 35% of Indians are illiterate, when 1 in 4 children are not enrolled in schools, and only 60% of those who enroll reach standard five? Though India has achieved a “green revolution” that brought self sufficiency in food and a similar “white revolution” in milk production, yet even today in India 300 women die every single day due to pregnancy and childbirth, and one out of nine children born dies before his first birthday.

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Number of Entries : 345
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