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April 2024 Issue



It was the Central Working Committee which was the most striking event of this month. 231st CWC meeting of IMA held at Chennai on 14th & 15th April 2024. Out own Dr. Ketan Desai was Chief Patron of CWC & it was attended by majority of our state CWC Members under leadership of Dr. Anil Nayak, HSG.
In his presidential address, Dr. Asokan pointed out one main thing which was eye opening for all of us Non reaching Non awareness of information, intimation & guidance to the members residing in fare & distant rural areas of India in due time.
They are regularly doing IMA activities & other social activities autonomously in their own respective limits & boundaries and not according to guidance & protocols of IMA-HQ.
We must put further more efforts in order to have an umbrella system where in IMA-HQ will remain in liaison through different states till last member holding in most remote area of county.
Then only all our official programmes appeals, agitation, etc will have a break through impact on government bodies and other NGOS.
Let as begin with our own home state. As president of all IMA-GSB, I appeal to all members of state to go through all appeals, messages, mails & circular given by state body & to further spread it down the line to other members who might not be aware of current developments.


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Number of Entries : 345
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