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April 2018


Dear Members
Congratulations  for  the  intermediate  success  on  our  struggle  against
We thank each one of you for your active contribution in the jouney so far.
With  the  passing  of  the  Budget  session  of  the  Parliament  without
passage of NMC bill the medical fraternity and IMA can rightfully devour
this moment of peace in its war against NMC.
True, NMC is perched precariously. Yet all of us deserve this reprieve. We
know we have to regroup and fight. It has been no mean achievement to
checkmate a powerful Government in this fight for survival. We have
lived through tense moments to fight another day.
In  the    meantime  Parliamentary  Standing  Committee  had  held  its
sessions  and  IMA  deposited  before  the  Parliamentary  Standing
committee. All the 32 members of Parliamentary Standing Committee
were again sensitised in an intensified lobbying. Parliamentary Standing
Committee submitted its report  on 20.03.2018. IMA studied it in detail
and responded clause by clause. While separate Licentiate exam had
been  done  away  with  the  Parliamentary  Standing  Committee  had
retained  several  of  the  clauses  which  were  anti  federal,  non
representative  and  anti  democratic  in  nature.  The  Bridge  course  to
AYUSH had been dropped but the floodgates were opened to the states.
The percentage of fee regulated private medical seats went up slightly to
50%.  IMA  rejected  the  cosmetic  report  terming  it  cure  worse  than
The epitome of action was the Doctors’ Maha Panchayat on 25.03.2018
in IG indoor stadium ,  New Delhi.

In  the  run  upto  the  Maha  Panchayat  medical  students  from  all  the
medical colleges    of  the  Gujarat  &  country met  in  Chatra  Sansad,  a
Parliament of students. Similarly IMA had convened all the specialities
associations and the service organisation on the penultimate Sunday in
an extended FOMA meeting.
Doctors Maha Panchayat rejected NMC and the Parliamentary standing
Committee report. It mandated the National President to closely follow
the events in the Parliament   and calibrate the response. Nation wide
strike call mandate was given to the National President.
IMA coordinated the resident doctors, medical students, IMA members
&  held demonstration  across the Gujarat on 02.04.2018 to sustain the
pressure and momentum.
The Bill had been listed on everyday of the last week in Budget session.
For the present the Bill is the property of the House even though it has
been adjourned sine die. This has given us three months to plan our
strategy and continue the struggle.
The Union Health Minister Shri J P Naddaji held a 2½  hours marathon
discussion with IMA with his complete team of officials on 02.04.2018.
He  has  ordered  implementation  of  interministerial  committee
recommendations on PC PNDT and CEA within a time frame. He has
promised  appropriate  action    on  Central  Hospital  Protection  Bill  and
capping of compensation in CPA.
This three month long struggle has empowered and   galvanised IMA.
A rejuvenated confident medical profession looks forward to its rightful
dignified space in deciding the health policies of the nation.
Nearly 950 new life members of Gujarat have been added in last one
Medical students and resident doctors are now closely associated with
IMA  in  a  big  way  and  look  forward  to  IMA  as  their  saviour.  This
investment now will reap benefits to IMA in long term.
In the war of nerves, IMA has not compromised an inch though abolition
of Licentiate exam and Bridge course   to AYUSH and Anti Quackery
penal provision are legitimate victories  of huge dimension.

Let  us  continue  and    consolidate  our  unity  and  plan  wisely  the
strategy for next three months so as to achieve final victory.
Dr. Bhupendra Shah had visited IMA Kadi branch and honoured as
chief guest in installation program. He had also visited IMA Rajkot
branch and honoured as chief guest in installation program. IMA GSB
arranged  public  awareness  program  about  organ  donation  with
health awareness program organised by IMA Idar branch was great
success and appreciated by society and other organisations.
On  14th  April  and  15th  April  IMA  GSB  hosted  219th  CWC  at
Ahmedabad. Our WMA Imm. Past President and our beloved leader
Dr. Ketanbhai Desai and Past National President Dr. Jitubhai Patel
guided  and  with  hard  and  dedicated  work  by  Dr.  Mahendrabhai
Desai, Dr. Yogendrabhai Modi, Dr. Bipinbhai Patel, Dr. Kirtibhai Patel,
Dr. Devendrabhai Patel,   Dr. Jitendra N. Patel, Dr. Shailendrabhai
Vora, Dr. Navneetbhai Patel and , Dr. Kiritbhai C. Gadhavi. We also
thankful to KD Hospital for arranging meeting on 14th April.
Everybody enjoyed meeting and participated tills end and first time
residents doctors and students involved in CWC meeting and it’s was
a great success. Dr Adit Ketan Desai had done extremely good and
hard work to make junior doctors and students meet to successful .

IMA  Himatnagar  Branch  decided  to  organise  Gimacon-2018  at
GMERS  Medical  college  Himatnagar  on  27th  and  28th  October.
Detailed program and registration details will be announced soon in
bulletin and IMA GSB News Bulletin.
Long Live IMA !!!

For more details click on the below link

About The Author

Number of Entries : 336
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