May 2016
Dear Members,
Dear Members,
Wishing you all a very very happy & safe summer season. As you all must be experiencing the peak of this summer
while this bulletin is under process of printing. We have previously mentioned in one of our message that day by day all seasons are getting harder & harder. This year we have witnessed severe heat wave. It was never experienced in last few years to our knowledge. Temperature has almost touched 50*c this season in almost all parts of the state. Various corporations have declared red & orange alerts for the same. We have included details of guidelines to combat heat wave elsewhere in this issue. And let us reiterate that we the human beings are responsible by & large for such a drastic climatic change. Its high time to have collective actions from all the fronts. Its not a job of any single agency or authority. It’s a global issue & critical impact of over ambitious
developmental process of human race.
Last month, biggest hot topic other than heat wave was NEET examination ruling by supreme court. Medical aspirant students & their parents have faced stressful period by sudden declaration of change of examination pattern. We always welcome NEET as it provides single window system for admission & also provides transparency. As government has cleared the confusion for current year students as of now, it seems now that NEET will be implemented from next year.
Medical fraternity is passing through turmoil scenario. It faces lots of different kind of issues from all the corners. Like govt policies, CEA, assault, PCPNDT, interpathy practice issues, issues related to pharma companies & commission, overall rising investment for establishment of private set ups, caping of charges, record keeping, corporatisation of medical practice 7 on & on & on. And hats off to our national leaders that they are powerfully dealing all the issues efficiently.
Our sincere request to all IMA members to support whole heartedly for call of IMA.
Jay Hind, Jay IMA.